Urania Update – Lilith and Mars Join In!


In the last WP post I shared information about the Asteroid Goddess, Urania.  This is a short update on her story tied to the movements of Urania, Mars, and the Black Moon Lilith over the next few days.

Urania is traveling through the beginning degrees of Pisces over the next week.  She will be joined by Mars at 5 Pisces.  Hajo Banzhaf & Anna Haebler in their Key Words for Astrology tell us that “Pisces, the Medium, has the task in life to be the living witness to the work of God in this world.”  Pisces helps us feel our longing for our spiritual life.  We feel boundless sympathy, intuition, inner knowing, creative fantasy, are willing to make sacrifices, and have a longing to become one and merge!

As Urania meets Mars all the Piscean feelings are enhanced.  All of our spiritual longings begin to take up more of our attention.  We feel the energy to work on our goals and intuitional knowings about how we connect with our spirits!  Urania, in all her abstract and creative mental wanderings opens the windows even wider to cosmic understandings.

The Black Moon Lilith traveling through the beginning of Virgo connects with Urania and Mars at an exact opposition.  When stellar objects oppose each other in our charts – doors of awareness can open and new learning begins.  Lilith teaches us about our deepest, darkest, inner truths.  They are not easy to look at and accept, but when she moves through Virgo, our detailed, scientific examination abilities are firmly connected to our feelings.  Lilith is an ancient, alluring Goddess whose presence through literature and myth is complex.  She brings us issues tied to conflict resolution, rejection, and challenging the status quo.  She rules part of the deep desire that brings our souls to embody in the physical plane.

As Urania, Mars, and Lilith connect over the next week – take deep stock of your mental energies (Urania), your will power to use your mental creative force (Mars), and what it means to delve into your deepest motivations (Lilith). 

Check back as I will be doing a longer post soon on the FOUR FACES OF BLACK MOON LILITH.  Please also check out my “Upcoming Events” page as it has been updated and includes an “Astrological Event” tied to Lilith among other new offerings for 2015.

Talk to you soon!    Nikki


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1 Response to Urania Update – Lilith and Mars Join In!

  1. Audria Gebhardt says:

    Nikki…I know there is a website where we can find where our natal Urania is located. Is it astro.com?



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